Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal
No. 35 (December 2019)

Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal        ISSN 1465-2978 (Online)

Editor: Paul Ernest



Ole Skovsmose  Crisis, Critique and Mathematics
Review of Ole Ravn and Ole Skovsmose, Authors, Connecting Humans to Equations: A Reinterpretation of the Philosophy of Mathematics, 2019
Laurence Delacour and Anna Chronaki  The Discursive Fabrication of the Desired Child in Early Childhood Mathematics Education in Sweden
Kjellrun Hiis Hauge, Suela Kacerja and Inger Elin Lilland  Xenophobia and numbers in the media – discussing mathematics education in the post-truth era
Roberto Ribeiro Baldino  Neuron-Z, Philosophy of the Mind and Symptom
Paul Ernest  Privilege, Power and Performativity: The Ethics of Mathematics in Society and Education
Tânia Cristina Baptista Cabral and Roberto Ribeiro Baldino  The Social Turn and its Big Enemy: A Leap Forward
Roi Wagner Mathematical Abstraction as Unstable Translation Between Concrete Presentations
Sal Restivo  The Yin and Yang of the Sociology of the Philosophy of Scientific Practice
Erin Cecilia Wilding-Martin  Paul Ernest’s Social Constructivist Philosophy of Mathematics Education
Yasmine Abtahi  More than Cultural Awareness: Awareness of Self-in-Relation
Marshall Gordon  Identity, Culture, and Pedagogical Challenge: The Presentation of Mathematics
William H. Kitchen  Wittgensteinian Pedagogy for Mathematics
Guilherme Wagner and Everaldo Silveira  Wittgenstein as a Trojan Horse
Adriano Demattè  Searching for the Other in a Historical Document
Patrick R. Silvey  “When Are We Ever Going to Use This?”: Engagement and Application in Higher-Level Secondary Mathematics Education
Kyriakos Petakos  Does the ZPD Possess an Equivalence Relation Property?
Yenealem Ayalew and Solomon Areaya  A Positional Map of Mathematical Imagination and Creativity
Min Bahadur Shrestha  Where lies the reality of Mathematics for common people?
Zhang Hong and Zhuang Yan  Philosophical Infinity and Mathematical Infinity
Alfred Bhusumane and Alakanani A. Nkhwalume  Rhetoric versus Reality of Postmodernism in Mathematics Education
Hugh Ching  Postmodern Knowledge: From Postmodern Science and Mathematics to Postmodern Logic

Aim of the Journal The aim is to foster awareness of philosophical aspects of mathematics education and mathematics, understood broadly to include most kinds of theoretical reflection and research in mathematics education; to freely disseminate new thinking and to encourage informal communication, dialogue and international co-operation between teachers, scholars and others engaged in such research and reflection.

Editorial policy. The editorial hand is used very lightly.  This is an international refereed journal which aims to stimulate the sharing of ideas for no reason other than an interest in these ideas and love of discussion among its contributors and readers. Please send any items for inclusion to the editor as a virus-checked attachment in MS Word or compatible formats. Many types of item are welcome including papers, short contributions, letters, discussions, provocations, reactions, or reviews. Graduate students are warmly invited to submit assignments and theses for inclusion in this journal, to make available otherwise inaccessible resources for the benefit of the research community in mathematics education and/or the philosophy of mathematics.

Format of submissions: There are no strict guidelines – authors are requested to make their submissions look like previously published papers – especially the first page headers etc.

Refereeing: All papers are submitted to peer-review on which basis the decision is made whether to accept, require revisions or reject.

Copyright Notice.  All materials published herein remain copyright of the named authors, or of the editor if unattributed. Permission is given to freely copy the journal contents on a not-for-profit basis, provided full credit is given to the author and the journal, and the integrity of papers is preserved.

Acknowledgement The journal is made possible by the generous support of University of Exeter Graduate School of Education STEM Research Centre. Special thanks are due to Jane Tanner and Jo Moncur.

Editor:  Professor Paul Ernest, University of Exeter, Graduate School of Education, St Lukes, Exeter EX1 2LU, U.K.  P.Ernest @  