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School of Education

Dr Alexandra Allan

Dr Alexandra Allan

Head of the School of Education / Associate Professor of Education


 +44 (0) 1392 722881

 Baring Court BC116


Baring Court, University of Exeter St Luke's Campus, Heavitree Road, Exeter, EX1 2LU, UK


My research interests reside in the Sociology of Education. Broad areas of interest include: gender, social class, ethnicity, academic achievement, and educational transitions (across the different stages in education, from education to employment, and across various career stages/professions). I have a wide range of methodological interests (including ethnography, visual methods, thematic and discourse analysis, interview and diary/blog methods).

The majority of my teaching has been on our research programmes (including our MSc in Education Research programme, the EdD preparation for research modules, and undergraduate research modules for first, second and third year students). I have also taught on and/or led a range of other modules, which span most of the programmes on offer in the School of Education. 

I supervise both PhD and EdD students on a range of different topics, many of which broadly focus on issues relating to inequalities in education.


PhD - 'Struggling for success: an ethnographic exploration of young femininities in a private, single-sex primary school' (Cardiff University)

MSc Social Science Research Methods (Distinction, Cardiff University)

BSc Sociology and Education (First Class, Cardiff University)

Advance HE Fellowship (FHEA)

Research group links

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Research interests

 My particular research interests include:

- Gender and Sexualities

- Young femininities

- Social class

- Ethnicity

- Transitions into/across/out of education and employment

- Academic achievement

- Children and childhood

- Single-sex education

- Private/Elite education

My methodological interests/expertise includes:

- Ethnographic research

- Longitudinal qualitative research

- Visual / virtual methods

- Interview, blog and diary methods

- Participatory research with children and young people

- Qualitative thematic data analysis

Research projects

  • ASME (Association for the Study of Medical Education) for a project focusing on ‘Medical Aspirations and Planning Parenthood- The Experiences of Future and Foundation Doctors’ (2017)
  • Humanities and Social Sciences Research Initiative (HASS), University of Exeter, to explore global girlhoods and film (2014)
  • Humanities and Social Sciences Research Initiative (HASS), University of Exeter, to examine the gendered pipeline from education (HE) to employment. (Medicine, IT and Retail) (2014)
  •  EC FP7 for research on 'Science Education for Diversity', awarded to Professor Rupert Wegerif, Dr Alexandra Allan, Lindsay Hetherington, Dr Nasser Mansour, Dr Fran Martin, Associate Professor Keith Postlethwaite, Dr Nigel Skinner, with Marchmont; TIFR, India; Pamukkale University, Turkey; AUB, Lebanon; EUT, The Netherlands; Tunku Abdul Rahman College, Malaysia. (2010)
  •  ESRC  RES-000-22-2944. ‘Private education, risk and the protected social worlds of upper-middle class girls’. (PI, 2008)
  • ESRC  PTA-026-27-1260, ‘The changing identities of middle-class girls: theoretical and methodological considerations’. (2007)
  • ESRC RES-062-23-0095 (2006) Research Fellow on the 'No Outsiders' (sexualities equalities in primary schools) project led by Elizabeth Atkinson, Sunderland University
  • ESRC PTA 030200200284, ESRC funded PhD: : Struggling for Success: An Ethnographic Exploration of the Construction of Young Femininities in a Selective, Single-sex School’. (awarded in 2007)
  • Bro Taf Health Authority, Research Assistant on the 'Teen Sexual Health' project led by Carolyn Lester, Cardiff University (2003)
  • Cardiff Young Researchers Initiative, Research Assistant for Dr Emma Renold on the 'Young Children, Gender and Peer Relations' project, Cardiff University (2002)

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Journal articles

Allan A, Charles C (In Press). Cosmo girls: new configurations of class and femininity in elite educational settings. British Journal of Sociology of Education Abstract.
Allan A, Charles C (In Press). More than a class act? Dilemmas in researching elite school girls' feminist politics. Feminist Theory: an international interdisciplinary journal, 1-28.
Hall J, Allan A, Tomlinson M, Kelly A, Lindorff A (In Press). Negative capital: a generalised definition and application to educational effectiveness and equity. Oxford Review of Education
Allan A, Cullen F (In Press). Picturing innocence? Innocent pictures?: Representation and the use of self-directed photography in studies of children and young people’s cultural worlds. Childhood
Allan AJ (In Press). Preparing for life in the global village: producing global citizen subjects in UK schools.
Stentiford L, Koutsouris G, Allan A (2023). ‘They think it’s trendy to have a disability/mental-illness’: Disability, capital and desire in elite education. British Journal of Sociology of Education Abstract.
Stentiford L, Koutsouris G, Allan A (2021). Girls, mental health and academic achievement: a qualitative systematic review. Educational Review
Charles C, Allan A (2020). More than a class act? dilemmas in researching elite school girls’ feminist politics. Feminist Theory, 23(2), 266-284.
Allan AJ (2018). Using the once familiar to make the familiar strange once again: engaging with historical inquiry and autobiography in contemporary ethnographic research. Qualitative Research, 18(5), 538-553. Abstract.
Allan AJ, Tinkler P (2015). 'Seeing' into the past and 'looking' forward to the future: visual methods and gender and education research. Gender and Education, 27(7), 791-811. Abstract.
Allan AJ, Tinkler P (2015). Taking Stock: a Framework. Gender and Education, 27(7), 733-743. Abstract.
Charles C, Allan A (2013). Cosmo Girls: New Configurations of Class and Femininity in Elite Educational Settings. British Journal of Sociology of Education, iFirst
Allan A (2013). Power, participation and privilege: methodological lessons from a project with elite young people. Sociological Research Online Abstract.
Allan AJ, Charles C (2013). Preparing for life in the global village: producing global citizen subjects in UK schools. Research Papers in Education, iFirst
Allan AJ (2013). Preparing for life in the global village: producing global citizen subjects in UK schools. Research Papers in Education, iFirst
Allan A (2012). Power, participation and privilege - methodological lessons from using visual methods in research with young people. Sociological Research Online, 17(3), 256-266. Abstract.
Allan AJ (2010). Picturing success: young femininities and the (im)possibilities of academic achievement in selective, single-sex schooling. International Studies in Sociology of Education, 20(1), 39-54. Abstract.
Allan AJ (2009). The importance of being a 'lady': hyper-femininity and heterosexuality in the private, single-sex primary school. Gender and Education, 21(2), 145-158. Abstract.
Allan AJ, De Palma R, Atkinson E, Brace E, Hemingway J (2008). Speaking the unspeakable in forbidden places: addressing lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender equality in the primary school. Sex Education: Sexuality, Society and Learning, 8(3), 315-328. Abstract.
Allan AJ, Renold E (2006). Bright and beautiful: High achieving girls, ambivalent femininities and the feminisation of success in the primary school. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 27(4), 457-473. Abstract.
Allan AJ, Lester C (2006). Teen sexual health needs: asking the consumers. Health Education, 106(4), 315-328.


Allan A, Cole S (2023). Finishing fieldwork in less than perfect circumstances: lessons learned in 'labyrinth' exiting. In Smith RJ, Delamont S (Eds.) Leaving the Field Methodological Insights from Ethnographic Exits, Manchester University Press, 33-44. Abstract.
Allan A (2020). Feminist Perspectives on Qualitative Educational Research. In Delamont S, Ward M (Eds.) Handbook of Qualitative Research in Education, Edward Elgar, 1-522. Abstract.
Allan AJ (2016). A Monster Lurking in the Shadows? One Researcher’s Crisis of Representing Class and Gender. In  (Ed) Gender Identity and Research Relationships, Emerald, 65-83. Abstract.
Allan AJ (2014). The Importance of Being a ‘Lady’: Hyper‐femininity and Heterosexuality in the Private, Single‐sex Primary School. In  (Ed) Approaches to Fieldwork, Sage Benchmarks in Social Research Methods, Sage Publications.
Allan A (2011). Doing ethnography and using visual methods. In Bradford S, Cullen F (Eds.) Research Methods for Youth Practitioners, Routledge. Abstract.
Allan A (2011). Feminism and Qualitative Educational Research. In Delamont S (Ed) Handbook of Qualitative Research in Education.
Allan AJ (2009). Rebels’, ‘bad girls’ and ‘misbehavers’: exploring underachievement in the selective primary school. In Jackson, C, Renold, E, Paechter, C (Eds.) Girls and Education 3-16: Continuing Concerns, New Agendas, Oxford: McGraw-Hill, 50-61. Abstract.
Allan AJ, Atkinson E, De Palma R, Brace E, Hemingway J (2009). Speaking the unspeakable in forbidden places: researching approaches to sexualities equalities in the primary school. In De Palma R, Atkinson E (Eds.) Interrogating Heteronormativity in Primary Schools: the No Outsiders Project, Stoke-on-Trent: Trentham. Abstract.
Allan AJ (2006). Using photographic diaries to research the gender and academic identities of young girls. In Walford G, Jeffrey B, Troman G (Eds.) Methodological Issues and Practices in Ethnography, Oxford: Elsevier, 19-36. Abstract.


Allan A, Charles C (2010). Cosmo girls: new configurations of class and femininity in elite educational settings. European Conference for Educational Research. 23rd - 27th Aug 2010. Abstract.
Allan A, Charles C (2010). Cosmo girls: new configurations of class and femininity in elite educational settings. Australian Women's and Gender Studies Association. 29th Jun - 2nd Jul 2010. Abstract.
Allan AJ, Charles C (2010). Facing the interface between cultural studies and the sociology of education. Australian Association of Educational Researcher's Conference. 28th Nov - 2nd Dec 2010.
Allan A (2010). Power, participation and privilege: methodological lessons from a project with elite young people. British Sociological Association - Youth 2010: Identities, Transitions, Cultures. 6th - 8th Jul 2010. Abstract.
Allan AJ (2009). Private education, risk and the protected social worlds of upper-middle class girls. Gender and Education. 24th - 27th Mar 2009. Abstract.
Allan AJ, Renold E, Ross N (2008). Look at the state of me!”: Researching and representing everyday identities and relationship cultures in participatory research with young people in care. Vital Signs: Researching Real Life. 9th - 11th Sep 2008.
Allan AJ, Cullen F (2008). Picturing innocence? Innocent pictures?: Representation and the use of self-directed photography in studies of children and young people’s cultural worlds. Advancing the use of visual methods in research on children’s cultures. 16th - 16th Apr 2008. Abstract.
Allan AJ (2008). Snapshots of subjectivities: using photographic methods in identity research with young children. Childhood and Youth: Choice and Participation International Conference. 4th - 6th Jul 2008. Abstract.
Allan AJ (2008). Sporting success? Young girls negotiating the (im)possibilities of physical education and active girlhood. British Educational Research Association. 3rd - 6th Sep 2008. Abstract.
Allan AJ (2008). Struggling for success: young femininities and the (im)possibilities of academic achievement. Australian Educational Research Association. 28th Nov - 4th Dec 2008. Abstract.
Allan AJ, Maxwell C (2008). Young, posh and privileged?: young girls negotiating class and gender through the years in private schooling’. Sexuality, schooling and schizoid agendas: BERA Sexualities SIG One-day conference event. 30th - 30th Oct 2008.
Allan AJ (2008). ‘Analyse that!’ – Engaging young girls in data analysis and interpretation. Childhood and Youth: Choice and Participation International Conference. 4th - 6th Jul 2008. Abstract.

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External Engagement and Impact

Editorial responsibilities

Associate Editor: Research Papers in Education

Member of the Editorial Board for: The British Journal of Sociology of Education; Gender and Education

External Examiner Positions

Currently: St Mary's University (MA Culture, Education and Society)

Previously: Cardiff University (MSc Education/Childhood and Youth); University of York (Undergraduate Education Studies)

External doctoral examining nationally and internationally

Lancaster University, Deakin University, Victoria University

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I have previously taken up the role as Director of Education for the School of Education and I have been Programme Director for the MSc Educational Research and MA Education programmes. I have taught on/led the following modules:

- Social and Educational Enquiry (Level One, Two and Three - course co-ordinator for all undergraduate research methods modules)

- Learning From Work Experience (Undergraduate, Level Two and Three, College Module)

- Gender Issues (Undergraduate, Level Two and Three)

- Childhood and Youth: Policies and Practice (Undergraduate, Level One)

- Children and Young People: Health and Relationships (Level Two)

- Learning for Teaching (Undergraduate, Level Two and Three, University-wide Module)

- Designing and Communicating Education Research (MSc, Level 7)

- Interpretive Methodologies (MSc, Level 7)

- EdD research methods modules (EdD, Level 8)

- DEdPsych research methods (DEd Psych, Level 8)

- MEd Teaching and Learning (MEd, Level 7)

- PGCE Professional Studies (ITE, Level 7)



Information not currently available

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Supervision / Group

Postgraduate researchers


  • Benjamin Arnold
  • Sabina Ashraf
  • Hazel Bending
  • Andrea Blair
  • Lisa Browne
  • Rachel Canter
  • Sarah Cole
  • Lynda Dawson
  • Zeynep Gulsah
  • Mohamed Hasan
  • Karen Kenny
  • Sarah Key
  • Fariba Khoddami
  • Caroline Pascoe
  • Thomas Ralph
  • Simon Reddy
  • Lauren Stentiford
  • Julia Stewart
  • Soo Yim

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Office Hours:

My office hours are from 16.00-17.00 on Mondays and Wednesdays during term time. Please email me to arrange an appointment.

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