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Photo of Dr Isabelle Rueda

Dr Isabelle Rueda

Senior Lecturer


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Dr. Isabelle Rueda is a Senior Lecturer in Law (Education and Research). She joined Exeter Law School in January 2016.

She previously held positions as a Lecturer at the University of Sheffield (2012-2015) and as a postdoctoral researcher in European Private Law at the University of Luxembourg (2009-2012).

She studied Law at the University of Toulouse (France) before working as a Lecturer at the same university until completion of a PhD on European Contract Law (2008). She has been a visiting researcher at UNIDROIT (Rome) and at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law (Hambourg).

She  has completed a research project funded by the British Academy and the Leverhulme Trust on impact assessments and contract law harmonisation.



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  • Private law harmonisation
  • Comparative Contract Law
  • Private International Law

Dr. Isabelle Rueda is particularly interested in the comparison and interaction between the European and international levels of harmonisation and in the interplay between the national, European and international levels of legislation.

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Copyright Notice: Any articles made available for download are for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the copyright holder.

| 2022 | 2020 | 2018 | 2016 | 2015 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2007 | 2006 | 2003 | 2001 |


  • Baaij J, Rueda I, van Schagen E. (2022) Designing Information Obligations in EU Consumer and Energy Law: Behavioural Research and Legal Design as ‘Best Available Evidence, European Journal of Law Reform, volume 24, pages 104-122.


  • Rueda I. (2020) Case studies - French law, Interpretation of Commercial Contracts in European Private Law, Cambridge University Press - Intersentia.
  • Baaij J, Cabrelli D, Macgregor L, Rueda I, Erler K, Kornet N, Kramer A, Kunda I, Las Casas A, Luzak J. (2020) Interpretation of Commercial Contracts in European Private Law, Cambridge University Press.


  • Colombi Ciacchi A, Hodges C, Van Leeuwen B, Mak V, Micklitz H, Rueda I, Van Schagen E, Weatherill S. (2018) Position Paper on the Fitness Check of EU Consumer Law, European Review of Private Law, pages 703-706.


  • Cuniberti G, Rueda I. (2016) Ranking and Priority of Creditors in French Insolvency Proceedings, Ranking and Priority of Creditors, OUP.


  • Cuniberti G, Rueda I. (2015) Enforcement of foreign judgements, Brussels Ibis Regulation - Commentary, Sellier/Otto Schmidt, 835-862-953-962.
  • Rueda I. (2015) L’indemnisation des victimes d’accidents de la circulation en Angleterre, conditions et étendue du droit à réparation, L'indemnisation des victimes d'accidents de la circulation en Europe, Bruylant.
  • Rueda I. (2015) Incidence des règles d'UNIDROIT sur le droit des contrats en Europe, LGDJ/Lextenso.


  • Cuniberti G, Rueda I. (2013) Treatment of Contracts in French Insolvency Proceedings, Treatment of Contracts in Insolvency, OUP, 175-197.


  • Rueda I. (2012) Place de la matière administrative et des immunités au sein d'un code européen de droit international privé, Quelle architecture pour un code européen de droit international privé ?, Peter Lang, 223-236.
  • Rueda I. (2012) Les décisions de la Cour de justice européenne dans la jurisprudence de la Cour de cassation, Revue trimestrielle de droit européen, pages 505-507.
  • Hiez D, Ancel P, Rueda I, Petschko M. (2012) L'interprétation et l'application de l'instrument optionnel : Réflexions sur l'article 4 du Droit commun européen de la vente, Le Droit Commun Européen de la Vente, Société de Législation Comparée, 39-61.
  • Rueda I. (2012) Les frontières du droit privé européen / The Boundaries of European Private Law, Larcier.


  • Cuniberti G, Rueda I. (2011) Abolition of Exequatur. Addressing the Commission’s Concerns, Rabels Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht, pages 286-317, article no. 2.
  • Rueda I, Cuniberti G. (2011) The application of foreign law by judicial and non-judicial authorities in Luxembourg, Application of Foreign Law, Sellier, 255-263.


  • Rueda I. (2010) La communautarisation de la procédure civile : une manifestation de simplification du droit ?, Qu'en est-il de la simplification du droit ?, LGDJ, 127-137.


  • Rueda I. (2009) Lutte contre la contrefaçon de médicaments : complémentarité des approches adoptées par la Communauté européenne et le Conseil de l’Europe, Revue Générale de Droit Médical, pages 215-229.


  • Rueda I. (2007) Panorama de droit du commerce international, Revue de Jurisprudence Commerciale, pages 36-47.


  • Rueda I. (2006) L’adaptation du droit des contrats d’origine internationale et communautaire à la dématérialisation des échanges, Revue Internationale de Droit Comparé, pages 925-949.


  • Rueda I. (2003) Réflexions sur la notion d’internationalité en droit, Revue de Recherche Juridique - Droit prospectif, pages 107-118.


  • Rueda I. (2001) Review on the Conference L’internationalité, bilan et perspectives (Toulouse, 26 October 2001), Uniform Law Review, pages 605-607.

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Modules taught

  • LAW1004 - The Law of Contract
  • LAW3051 - French Law of Contract
  • LAW3184 - International Commercial Litigation

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