Postgraduate Module Descriptor

LAWM087: Competition Law

This module descriptor refers to the 2021/2 academic year.


NQF Level7
Credits30 ECTS Value15
Term(s) and duration

This module ran during term 1 (11 weeks)

Academic staff

Dr Mihail Danov ()

Available via distance learning


The free market has become the foundation of economic systems around the globe. However, in order for the free market to remain free it requires rules to be applied to ensure competition is fair and efficient. This module considers briefly some of the theories upon which competition is based before going on to discuss the laws that exist to protect competition in the EU. This includes laws against cartels, laws that regulate the behaviour of dominant firms and laws regulating the assistance Member States can provide to companies. The course will focus on the relevant Treaty Articles, consider (mainly) EU case law and also the 'soft law' documents issued by the EU Commission. The module is open to all students, but best suited to those with an interest in commercial law and economics.

No prior knowledge of economics is necessary, but an interest would be useful.

Module created


Last revised
