Postgraduate Module Descriptor

ANTM904: Dissertation

This module descriptor refers to the 2021/2 academic year.


NQF Level7
Credits60 ECTS Value30
Term(s) and duration

This module ran during term 3 (10 weeks)

Academic staff

Dr Samantha Hurn (Lecturer)





Available via distance learning


The dissertation module provides you with an opportunity to devise and develop an original research project of your choosing. Focussing on a particular aspect of anthrozoology, and conducting your own independent research (either archival/library based, or incorporating empirical data). You will be able to consolidate much of what you have learnt throughout the taught element of the programme, whilst exploring  and developing key areas of interest. You can use the dissertation strategically, to investigate a topic which may well open up career opportunities (for example, by conducting a study on behalf of an organisation) or to explore an aspect of anthrozoology which you have found fascinating and would like to know more about. Because the field of anthrozoology is still in its infancy, there is plenty of scope for your dissertation to add original data and analysis and contribute to our growing understanding of the human-nonhuman bond.

Module created

May 2012

Last revised
