Undergraduate Module Descriptor

LAW3190: Artificial Intelligence and the Law

This module descriptor refers to the 2021/2 academic year.


NQF Level 6
Credits 15 ECTS Value 7.5
Term(s) and duration

This module ran during term 2 (11 weeks)

Academic staff

Dr Matthew Channon (Convenor)





Available via distance learning


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is currently changing modern society at a rapid rate, from the way that we live our lives, to the way that we move and the way that we work. AI also has a significant effect in terms of the way in which legal disputes are conducted and the way financial transactions work. Law is also extremely important in terms of AI, and it is clear that there is significant interest in the ways in which law does and should work with AI.


For example, the Law Commission is currently undertaking two separate projects, first on the law of Automated Vehicles and the second on Smart Contracts, both of which are likely to require future reform and will require examination. In relation to AI and the law of autonomous transport, the module will explore the ways in which AI will impact the use of vehicles (autonomous or connected) as well as ships and drones. There are further issues in relation to Intellectual property law which will require further exploration in future legislation. Moreover, this module will examine AI and finance.


This module seeks to provide you with detailed and comprehensive knowledge and understanding of Artificial Intelligence, the legal challenges and its role in society. It seeks to provide you with the knowledge and understanding of where the law is currently, and any potential challenges as well as law reform.

Module created


Last revised
