Undergraduate Module Descriptor

SOC2065: Punishment, Imprisonment and Detention

This module descriptor refers to the 2021/2 academic year.


NQF Level 5
Credits 30 ECTS Value 15
Term(s) and duration

This module ran during term 1 (11 weeks) and term 2 (11 weeks)

Academic staff

Mrs Abi Dymond (Convenor)





Available via distance learning


This module will provide an opportunity to engage with some of the key criminological, sociological and interdisciplinary concepts, critical issues and perennial debates in the study of punishment, imprisonment and detention. This includes philosophies, rationales and theoretical discussions around punishment and imprisonment, as well as current policies and practices. Punishment and detention are broadly conceived so that, while there is a focus on prisons and lived experience of imprisonment, this is also accompanied by a focus on punishment beyond imprisonment, and on accountability and monitoring mechanisms. Whilst the focus is predominantly on England and Wales, literature and examples will be drawn from a range of countries, to allow you to put punishment, imprisonment and detention into an international context.

Module created


Last revised
