Undergraduate Module Descriptor

POC1031: Political Communication

This module descriptor refers to the 2021/2 academic year.

Please note that this module is only delivered on the Penryn Campus.


NQF Level 4
Credits 15 ECTS Value 7.5
Term(s) and duration

This module ran during term 1 (11 weeks) and term 2 (11 weeks)

Academic staff

Dr Deborah Johnson (Convenor)





Available via distance learning


This module will support you to make the transition into a successful academic career. The course has three overlapping agendas;


1) The course is focused on skills required to engage with your academic learning and complete research needed to produce graded assignments. As such it serves as a foundation for every other module.


2) The content of the module is designed to help you to critically examine and reflect upon your own place within the institution of the university and incorporates issues such as positionality, inclusion and learning community into your academic practice.


3) Throughout the course we will examine a range of different formats for political communication to help students to critically reflect upon ways in which knowledge about politics can be produced and shared. This gives you the skills to communicate effectively during your degree and in your future career.


Content will be delivered during Term 1 along with the Essay and Portfolio submission. In Term Two there will be support sessions and a single submission point (Group Reflection) timed so that you can receive and reflect on feedback from the first term before completing this assessment.

Module created


Last revised
