Undergraduate Module Descriptor

SSI3001: Introduction to Social Network Analysis

This module descriptor refers to the 2021/2 academic year.


NQF Level 6
Credits 15 ECTS Value 7.5
Term(s) and duration

This module ran during term 2 (11 weeks)

Academic staff

Dr Lorien Jasny (Convenor)


SSI2005 or instructor approval



Available via distance learning


The purpose of the module is to introduce you to the topic of social network analysis. Conceptually, this is different than social networking platforms like facebook and twitter; social network analysis is a way of looking at social data that focuses on relationships between or among social entities. In the social sciences, we frequently find that the structure of social relationships is crucial for understanding any number of processes, trends, and outcomes like why people joing social movements, which individuals get social or financial opportunities, and how organisations collaborate to change policy. This course presents an introduction to various concepts, methods, and applications of social network analysis drawn from the social and behavioral sciences.

It is expected that you will have a working knowledge of the R programming language before starting this course, although review and assistance will be provided.

Module created


Last revised
