Undergraduate Module Descriptor

LAW2033: French Administrative Law

This module descriptor refers to the 2022/3 academic year.


NQF Level 5
Credits 30 ECTS Value 15
Term(s) and duration

This module ran during term 1 (12 weeks) and term 2 (11 weeks)

Academic staff

Dr Frederic Rolland (Convenor)


Law 1013 This course is designed for LLB in English Law and French Law - EXETER / Master 1 (Maîtrise en Droit) - RENNES I students only. Anybody outside the programme wishing to attend this module should contact Dr. F. O. ROLLAND.



Available via distance learning


This course is designed for LLB in Eng. Law and French Law/Master 1 (Maitrise) students only. Anybody outside the programme wishing to attend this module should contact the module convenor, Dr Frédéric Olivier Rolland. The course is taught through a combination of whole cohort and small group sessions. The teaching methods involved are very specific in the sense that French Law is taught in French principally to English native speakers. In year 2, you are made familiar with French methods of university education and to French methods of legal thinking and writing. This induction to French methods ( dissertation juridique level 2 and commentaire d’arrêt level 2) is essential for this degree programme, in order academically for you to be prepared as you are aiming for simultaneous English and French legal qualifications. The nature of the LLB in Eng. Law and French Law/Master 1 (Maitrise) course and the size of the group are very conducive to active learning processes and interaction. You are encouraged to take responsibility for personal preparation, both linguistic and academic, and to take control of your own learning. You are required to reflect critically on your own working methods, and to learn from your interaction with the lecturer and your peers. The objective is to allow you to grow into critically-minded and well-informed independent scholars of French Law.

Module created


Last revised
