Undergraduate Module Descriptor

LAW3132: Islamic Law and Society

This module descriptor refers to the 2022/3 academic year.


NQF Level 5
Credits 15 ECTS Value 7.5
Term(s) and duration

This module ran during term 1 (11 weeks)

Academic staff

Dr Mustafa Baig (Convenor)





Available via distance learning


This module focuses on the Islamic legal system – both in the theory of how jurists have conceived of it, and the practice – how it has been implemented in courts and by modern national states. It covers the various elements of Islamic law from its early beginnings to its contemporary manifestations, and will involve a reading of Islamic legal texts to identify the legal dynamics of their composition and the practical implications of their implementation. In the module students will study some of the legal issues which have emerged in the modern period from the introduction of Islamic law in both the Muslim-majority world and Europe. The focus is on identifying those issues where the implementation of Shari’a might be problematic, and investigate how Muslim lawgivers and thinkers have proposed solutions to these problems.

Module created


Last revised
