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Finding a supervisor

Your relationship with your supervisor(s) is vital to the success of your doctoral studies. They will guide you through your work from the early stages of reading and clarification to the submission of your thesis and your oral defence at the viva voce.  In some circumstances, for example if your research crosses disciplines, a second supervisor may be appointed.

Before you start to write your proposal, please contact us to discuss matching you with a potential supervisor.  You may also wish to contact us directly to confirm whether your topic or area is relevant to the department and our research.

Supervision meetings

You’ll usually meet your supervisor monthly, but more frequently when engaged in activities like designing your research methods, conducting your detailed analysis, or completing your thesis for submission. Your meetings may involve discussion of your progress, briefing papers or draft chapters you have written as well as training needs assessment, preparation for seminars or conference presentations, and debating current trends and future prospects in your field.

You’ll both keep personal records of supervision and three times a year you and your supervisor will write an agreed report on your interim progress, your work plans, and your on-going training needs. Your supervisor will make sure your work remains on track. That’s good for you, your sponsors, and for the University.

Your mentor

In addition to your supervisor you will also have a mentor, who will provide general guidance and pastoral support. Your mentor will contact you three times a year to ensure that any issues which may be interfering with your ability to study are being addressed.