Postgraduate Module Descriptor

POLM085: Work Placement in Conflict, Security and Development

This module descriptor refers to the 2017/8 academic year.

Module Aims

By the end of this module you will demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the strategies and tactics of conflict, security and development work on a global scale, from local projects to global frameworks.  Furthermore,  you will analyse and evaluate the effectiveness of individual projects and programmes, whole organisations, overarching legal and policy frameworks and international interventions in the areas of conflict, security and development. You will demonstrate knowledge of academic and practical research methodologies including: i) formal measurements of conflict, security and development on a cross-national basis; ii) professional monitoring & evaluation techniques; iii) conflict assessment and analysis methodologies; iv) ethnographies of organizations; and v) process tracing of broader trends and practices.  You will demonstrate this knowledge in the form of a project design essay and a project report document which they will develop with respect to their work placement organisation or chosen topic of research.

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)

This module's assessment will evaluate your achievement of the ILOs listed here - you will see reference to these ILO numbers in the details of the assessment for this module.

On successfully completing the programme you will be able to:
Module-Specific Skills1. Demonstrate substantive knowledge and understanding of the institutional and political context of at least two types of organizations working in conflict, security and development in the UK or overseas;
2. Describe, analyse and deploy two or more research methodologies in the area of conflict, security and development;
Discipline-Specific Skills3. Exercise informed judgement concerning the practical constraints of organizations working in Conflict Security and Development
4. Demonstrate the ability to understand the effect of the organization’s institutional and political contexts on its policies and programmes
5. Exhibit an understanding of the relationship between knowledge and practice
6. Analyse and evaluate the nature and effectiveness of organizations in terms of theoretical frameworks deployed in the study of conflict, security and/or development and the analysis of global governance;
Personal and Key Skills7. Conduct independent research;
8. Exercise critical judgment in the form of cogent and persuasive writing
9. Make rigorous and not merely persuasive arguments in the form of a well-designed presentation;
10. Develop a personal profile and curriculum vitae for work in conflict, security and development; and
11. Perform in a work environment in a manner in keeping with the expectations of the host organisation

Indicative Reading List

This reading list is indicative - i.e. it provides an idea of texts that may be useful to you on this module, but it is not considered to be a confirmed or compulsory reading list for this module.

Library resources:

Conflict, Security and Development [Electronic journal]

Fisher et al, Working with Conflict

Hoglund & Oberg, Understanding Peace Research

Stephen Hopgood, Keepers of the Flame

Ho-Won Jeong, Understanding Conflict and Conflict Analysis

Nordstrom and Robben, Fieldwork Under Fire

Samantha Power, Chasing the Flame

Edward Schatz, Political Ethnography

Wall and Mollinga, Fieldwork in Different Environments