Postgraduate Module Descriptor

EDUM036: Secondary Education and Professional Studies

This module descriptor refers to the 2019/0 academic year.

Module Aims

The principle aims of the module are to:

  • enable you to gain an understanding of a range of contemporary education policies and issues, theory and practice;
  • support you in reflecting critically on children’s learning and development, pedagogy and teachers’ roles and responsibilities; and

support you to meeting the Teachers’ Standards (for Qualified Teacher Status).

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)

This module's assessment will evaluate your achievement of the ILOs listed here - you will see reference to these ILO numbers in the details of the assessment for this module.

On successfully completing the programme you will be able to:
Module-Specific Skills1. identify and evaluate educational theories and policies and to engage in critical debate about current issues, drawing on evidence from theory, policy, research and practice;
2. understand theories of pedagogy, learning and development, and consider how these can inform professional practice;
3. demonstrate confident academic and pedagogic knowledge to teach at Secondary level;
4. demonstrate secure understanding of the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum and other policies relevant to teaching in Secondary schools
Discipline-Specific Skills5. critically evaluate the relevance of educational theories to practice;
6. synthesise relevant educational literature in support of an argument;
7. use appropriate technologies for data handling and writing in education;
8. present data and findings in a form appropriate for educational contexts;
9. use research data in support of an argument in education (including government reports).
Personal and Key Skills10. manage your own learning development and evaluation of your learning;
11. learn effectively both independently and co-operatively, and be aware of your own learning strategies;
12. express ideas and opinions, with confidence and clarity, to a variety of audiences for a variety of purposes with rational argument based on relevant and reliable ;
13. work productively in different kinds of teams (formal, informal, project based, etc); and
14. think creatively about the main features of a given problem and develop strategies for its resolution.

Indicative Reading List

This reading list is indicative - i.e. it provides an idea of texts that may be useful to you on this module, but it is not considered to be a confirmed or compulsory reading list for this module.

Bryan, H., Carpenter, C. and Hoult, S. (2010) Learning and Teaching at M-Level: A guide for student teachers . London, Sage.

Capel, Leask and Turner (2016) Learning to Teach in the Secondary School. 7th edition. London, Routledge.

Denby, Butroyd, Swift, et al. (2008) Masters Level Study in Education: A Guide to Success. 3rd edition. Milton Keynes. Stanley Thornes.

Dymoke, S. (ed) (2013) Reflective Teaching and Learning in the Secondary School. 2nd edition. London. Sage.

Ellis, V. (ed) (2013) L earning and Teaching in Secondary Schools. 5th edition. London. Sage/Learning Matters.

Fautley, M. and Savage, J. (2007) Creativity in Secondary Education . London. Sage/Learning Matters.

Fisher, R. (2005) Teaching Children to Learn. 2nd edition. Cheltenham. Nelson Thornes.

Fisher, R. (2005) Teaching Children to Think . Cheltenham. Nelson Thornes.

Kyriacou, C. (2007) Essential Teaching Skills. 3rd edition. Cheltenham. Nelson Thornes.

Mercier, Philpott, and Scott (2013) Professional Issues in Secondary Teaching. London. Sage.

Petty, G. (2009) Teaching Today A Practical Guide. 4th edition. Cheltenham. Nelson Thornes.

Pritchard, A. (Nov. 2013) Ways of Learning: Learning Theories and Learning Styles in the Classroom. 3rd edition London. Routledge/David Fulton.

Skinner, D. (2010) Effective Teaching and Learning in Practice. London. Continuum  

Sotto, E. (2007) When teaching becomes learning. 2nd edition. London. Continuum.  

Wilson, E. (2009) School-based Research: A Guide for Education Students. London, Sage.