Postgraduate Module Descriptor

EFPM271: SEN: Provision and Practice

This module descriptor refers to the 2019/0 academic year.

Module Aims

This module aims to enable you to:

  • develop a critical knowledge and understanding of the special needs and inclusive education system/s in England
  • critically examine legislation, policy and practice at various levels e.g. national, local, school, classroom
  • provide direct experience of schooling as a means of supporting your development of knowledge and skills in practice
  • support your further development as critically reflective and professional practitioners
  • relate your understandings of the English system to your own experiences (either in the UK or internationally)

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)

This module's assessment will evaluate your achievement of the ILOs listed here - you will see reference to these ILO numbers in the details of the assessment for this module.

On successfully completing the programme you will be able to:
Module-Specific Skills1. Demonstrate critical understanding of socio-political processes in relation to organisation and management of special and inclusive education
2. Gather relevant practical data (e.g. field notes and observation data) and critically analyse it for purposes of reflection
3. Critically reflect on your practical experience of classroom processes, support systems in schools
4. Demonstrate ethical professional practices
Discipline-Specific Skills5. Critically engage in the relationship between theory and practice
6. Problematise practice in terms of disability/difference/special educational needs/inclusion
7. Compare and contrast different perspectives
8. Handle relevant sources of literature and engage in current debates
9. Construct organised, structured, critically reflective and analytic writing
Personal and Key Skills10. Demonstrate critical and analytic thinking
11. Demonstrate independent learning, self-management and organisation
12. Demonstrate oral and written communication skills
14. Demonstrate the ability to locate and use learning resources
15. Demonstrate information technology skills
16. Demonstrate the capacity to work in groups

Indicative Reading List

This reading list is indicative - i.e. it provides an idea of texts that may be useful to you on this module, but it is not considered to be a confirmed or compulsory reading list for this module.

Basic reading:

Boyle, C. (2014) Labelling in special education: Where do the benefits lie? In A. Holliman (Ed.) The Routledge international companion to educational psychology (pp. 213-221). London: Routledge.

Cheminais, R. (2015) Special educational needs for qualified and trainee teachers. (3rd Edn.) London: Routledge.

Denscombe, M. (2014) The good research guide. 5th edn. Maidenhead: OUP. [especially section on observations]

DfE/DoH (2015) Special educational needs and disability code of practice: 0-25 years. London: DfE/DoH.

Ekins, A. and Grimes, P. (2009) Inclusion: Developing an effective whole school approach. Maidenhead: Open University Press.

Florian, L. (ed) (2014) The Sage handbook of special education. 2nd edn. London: Sage.

Florian, L. and M.J. McLaughlin (Eds.) (2008) Disability classification in education. London: Sage.

Lawson, H., Boyask, R. and Waite, S. (2013) Construction of difference and diversity within policy and classroom practice in England. Cambridge Journal of Education, 43, 1, 107-122.


Ofsted (2010) The special educational needs and disability review. London: Ofsted.

Pearson, S., Mitchell, R. and Rapti, M. (2015) 'I will be "fighting" even more for pupils with SEN': SENCOs' role predictions in the changing English policy context Journal of Research in SEN, Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, 15,1, 48-56.

Qureshi, S. (2014) Herding cats or getting heard: The SENCO-teacher dynamic and its impact on classroom practice. Support for Learning, 29, 3, 217-229.

Robertson, C. (2012) Special educational needs and disability coordination in a changing policy landscape: making sense of policy from a SENCO’s perspective. Support for Learning, 27, 2, 77-83.

Thomas, G. (2017) How to do your research project: a guide for students in education and applied social sciences. 3rd edn. London: Sage. [especially section on observations]

Wearmouth, J. (2008) A beginning teacher's guide to special educational needs. Maidenhead: OUP.

Wearmouth, J. (2017) Special educational needs and disabilities in schools: A critical introduction. London: Bloomsbury Academic.