Postgraduate Module Descriptor

EFPM320: Issues of Policy and Practice in Arts Education

This module descriptor refers to the 2019/0 academic year.

Module Aims

This module aims to help you to:

 develop knowledge and understanding of contemporary perspectives on good practice in arts education in and out of formal education interrogate the role and value of arts education partnerships

 develop an understanding of the role of policy in arts education curricula and practices using national and international contexts

develop knowledge and understanding of approaches to evaluation and assessment in arts education and how outcomes are used

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)

This module's assessment will evaluate your achievement of the ILOs listed here - you will see reference to these ILO numbers in the details of the assessment for this module.

On successfully completing the programme you will be able to:
Module-Specific Skills1. demonstrate increased breadth and depth of knowledge of policies and practices that relate to your areas of expertise and interest (ie in one or more arts disciplines);
2. develop appropriate modes of assessment and evaluation for arts educational outcomes;
3. demonstrate knowledge and critical understanding of the role of arts partnerships in education;
Discipline-Specific Skills4. develop a critical response to professional and policy literature that relates to arts education;
5. demonstrate skills relevant to assessment and evaluation processes;
Personal and Key Skills6. undertake both directed and independent study to recognise, justify and analyse key ideas in the literature and relate to practice;
7. work collaboratively in small groups with peers;
8. present ideas verbally and through writing; and engage in critical reflective debate.

Indicative Reading List

This reading list is indicative - i.e. it provides an idea of texts that may be useful to you on this module, but it is not considered to be a confirmed or compulsory reading list for this module.

Addison, N. & Burgess, L. (Eds.) (2012) Debates in art and design education.  London: Routledge.

Abbs, P. (2003) Against the flow: Education, the arts and post modern culture.  London: Routledge Falmer

Bodilly, S. & Augustine, C.H. (2008) Revitalizing Arts Education Through Community-wide Coordination.  Santa Monica, CA: Rand.  [Also available online: ]

CAPE UK (2008) Teacher Artist Partnership Programme (TAPP): Perspectives from the Literature.  Leeds, CapeUK.   Available here:

David Wood Consultants (2012). Creative Partnerships Change Schools Programme Synoptic Evaluation 2011. Newcastle: Creativity, Culture and Education.

Department for Education (2013) Cultural Education,,

Green,L. (2008) Music, Informal Learning and the School, Ashgate

OECD (2013) Art for Art’s Sake,

Peppler, K. (2011) New opportunities for interest-driven arts learning in a digital age.  Available online:

UNESCO (2006) Road Map for Arts Education

Zakaras, L & Lowell, J. F. (2008) Cultivating demand for the arts: Arts learning, arts engagement, and state arts policy.  Available online: