Postgraduate Module Descriptor

ARAM103: New Approaches to Islamic Thought

This module descriptor refers to the 2021/2 academic year.

Module Aims

This required core seminar should provide a common foundation for the thesis research of all MA students in Islamic Studies in four key respects: (1) to give a broad overview of several key areas of "Islamic thought" (understood as the intellectual, written formulations of various Islamic cultural traditions in various historical settings) in their actual social and historical contexts; (2) to train students in the methods of close, critical reading appropriate to each of the specific Islamic intellectual traditions covered in this course; (3) to acquaint students with some of the pioneering secondary studies in each selected area of Islamic thought; and (4) to offer students an opportunity to develop their expository skills in oral, classroom presentation of their research and reading. The actual seminar topic and assigned readings will be adjusted each year to match the background and research interests of incoming MA students.

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)

This module's assessment will evaluate your achievement of the ILOs listed here - you will see reference to these ILO numbers in the details of the assessment for this module.

On successfully completing the programme you will be able to:
Module-Specific Skills1. Demonstrate comprehensive knowledge and understanding of some of the most important methodological and interpretive models in relevant areas of Islamic thought;
2. Critically evaluate some of the major texts and seminal thinkers (in translation) in at least two key areas of Islamic thought.
Discipline-Specific Skills3. Explain and evaluate fundamental issues, approaches and challenges in several related historical areas of Islamic thought.
4. Demonstrate a thorough understanding of underlying historical and social contexts within Islamic thought
Personal and Key Skills5. Demonstrate advanced writing and oral presentation skills, group work and the proficiency in working with a large set of unfamiliar reading materials.
6. Synthesise and evaluate reading materials, and identify different methods of interpretation and analysis.

Indicative Reading List

This reading list is indicative - i.e. it provides an idea of texts that may be useful to you on this module, but it is not considered to be a confirmed or compulsory reading list for this module.

Shahab Ahmad, What is Islam? Princeton, 2016

Khaled el-Rouayheb and Sabine Schmidtke (ed), The Oxford Handbook of Islamic Philosophy, Oxford, 2017

Aaron Hughes, Theorizing Islam, London, 2014

Special Issue of Method & Theory in the Study of Religion, vol 24 (2012) on study of Islam

Special Issue of JAAR 2018 on Teaching Islam