Undergraduate Module Descriptor

ANT2005: Current Debates in Anthropology: Practice

This module descriptor refers to the 2018/9 academic year.

Indicative Reading List

This reading list is indicative - i.e. it provides an idea of texts that may be useful to you on this module, but it is not considered to be a confirmed or compulsory reading list for this module.

Hastrup, K. 1990. Anthropological Advocacy: A contradition in terms? Current Anthropology 31 (3): 301-311. Kellett, P. 2009. 'Advocacy in Anthropology: Active Engagement or Passive Scholarship?' Durham Anthropology Journal, 16 (1): 22-31.
Scheper-Hughes, N. 1995. The primacy of the ethical: propositions for a militant anthropology. Current Anthropology, 409-440.
Ingold, T. 2002. From Trust to Domination: An Alternative History of Human-Animal Relations. In: Manning, A. and Serpell, J. (eds.) Animals and Human Society: Changing Perspectives, 1-22. Taylor and Francis.
Peace, A. 2008. Meat in the genes. Anthropology Today, 24(3): 5-10.
Evans, David (2012) “Beyond the Throwaway Society: Ordinary Domestic Practice and a Sociological Approach to Household Food Waste,” Sociology 46 (1): 1-16.
Graeber, David (2011) “Consumption,” Current Anthropology 52 (4): 489-511.
Clarke, M. 2008. New kinship, Islam, and the liberal tradition: sexual morality and new reproductive technology in Lebanon. JRAI, 14(1): 153-169.
Weston, K. 1997b. The politics of gay families. Families we choose: Lesbians, gays and kinship. Columbia University Press.
Allard, O. 2013. To cry one's distress: death, emotion, and ethics among the Warao of the Orinoco Delta. JRAI, 19(3):545–561.
Chouliaraki, Lilie (2008) Symbolic power of transnational media: managing the visibility of suffering. Global Media and Communication, 4 (3). pp. 329-351.
Astuti, R. 1998. It’s a boy! It’s a girl! Reflections on sex and gender in Madagascar and beyond. In Lambek and Strathern eds., Bodies and persons: comparative perspectives from Africa and Melanesia.
Kulick, D. 1997. The gender of Brazilian transgendered prostitutes. American Anthropologist 99(3): 574-585.
Robertson, J. 2014 “Human Rights vs. Robot Rights: Forecasts from Japan.” Critical Asian Studies 46(4): 571-598.
Shir-Vertesh, D. 2012. "Flexible Personhood": Loving Animals as Family Members in Israel. American Anthropologist, 114(3): 420-432.
Bunten, Alexis Celeste 2008. “Sharing culture or selling out? Developing the commodified persona in the heritage industry,” American Ethnologist 35 (3): 380-395.
Butt, Bilal 2012. “Commoditizing the safari and making space for conflict: Place, identity and parks in East Africa,” Political Geography 31 (2): 104–113.
Galtung, J. 1990. Cultural Violence. Journal of Peace Research, 27(3):291–305
Kuznar, Lawrence A. (2007) “Rationality Wars and the War on Terror: Explaining Terrorism and Social Unrest,” American Anthropologist 109 (2): 318–329.
Crate, Susan A. (2011) “Climate and Culture: Anthropology in the Era of Contemporary Climate Change,” Annual Review of Anthropology 40: 175-194.
Tsing, A. 2017. The Buck, the Bull, and the Dream of the Stag: Some unexpected weeds of the Anthropocene. Journal of the Finnish Anthropological Society, 42(1): 3-21.