Undergraduate Module Descriptor

ANT2089: Cultures of Race, Ethnicity and Racism

This module descriptor refers to the 2021/2 academic year.

Module Aims

In this module we examine ways in which anthropologists, sociologists and other scholars from the interdisciplinary field of critical race studies, have explored and analysed how racial and ethnic identities are lived and experienced. The module focuses on ethnographic studies to examine the articulation of minority and majority racial and ethnic identities cross-culturally and in different socio-historical contexts. Central to this inquiry is an examination of the theories and concepts that anthropologists and sociologists have deployed to think about the formation of ethnic and racial identities and racism. Our emphasis upon the reproduction of various forms of racism will be complemented by an exploration of the social conditions in which racism is challenged. The module also considers the possibility of a world beyond racial thought and categorisation.

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)

This module's assessment will evaluate your achievement of the ILOs listed here – you will see reference to these ILO numbers in the details of the assessment for this module.

On successfully completing the programme you will be able to:
Module-Specific Skills1. demonstrate familiarity and some ability to critically engage with anthropological and sociological approaches to the study of race, ethnicity and racism
2. apply appropriate theories and concepts to facilitate an analysis of racism and identities
3. develop an appreciate of the significance socio-historical contexts in the formation of racial and ethnic identities
Discipline-Specific Skills4. gain some appreciation of the role of theory in ethnography
5. develop an appreciation of the synergies and distinctions between anthropological approaches and other social scientific approaches
6. acquire some understanding of the ethical and theoretical issues involved in the representation of ethnic and racial differences
Personal and Key Skills7. demonstrate transferable skills in formulating, researching and addressing focussed essay questions
8. prepare focussed and comprehensive oral presentations
9. work independently and in collaboration with others
10. develop a critical awareness of cross-cultural understanding and anti-racist values, values which increasingly feature in many professional settings

Module Content

Syllabus Plan

Whilst the module’s precise content may vary from year to year, it is envisaged that the syllabus may cover some or all of the following topics:

  • The social and historical construction of race, ethnicity and racism
  • Racism and nationalism
  • Black and white feminism
  • Mixed-race, post-race
  • Race, genealogy and genetics
  • Far right politics
  • Islamophobia

Learning and Teaching

This table provides an overview of how your hours of study for this module are allocated:

Scheduled Learning and Teaching ActivitiesGuided independent studyPlacement / study abroad

...and this table provides a more detailed breakdown of the hours allocated to various study activities:

CategoryHours of study timeDescription
Scheduled Learning and Teaching22Seminars
Guided independent study128Private study

Online Resources

This module has online resources available via ELE (the Exeter Learning Environment).