Undergraduate Module Descriptor

SOC1045: Introduction to Criminal Justice

This module descriptor refers to the 2021/2 academic year.

Module Aims

This module aims to:

  1. Introduce you to the Criminal Justice System and the study of crime
  2. Provide you with a critical understanding of some of the key theoretical, conceptual and historical approached within criminology
  3. Provide you with a basic understanding of the use, implications and ethics of the methodologies applied to practices, theories and the organisational of the Criminal Justice System.
  4. Give you opportunities to engage with and analyse the representations of crime and responses to crime by the Criminal Justice System.
  5. Train you to recognise and evaluate competing insights within Criminology and the Criminal Justice System

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)

This module's assessment will evaluate your achievement of the ILOs listed here – you will see reference to these ILO numbers in the details of the assessment for this module.

On successfully completing the programme you will be able to:
Module-Specific Skills1. Demonstrate knowledge of the concepts and principles underpinning the basic structure of the Criminal Justice System and the relevant agencies.
2. Demonstrate an understanding of how official statistics are recorded, used, published and alternative sources of information.
3. Understand how the Criminal Justice System developed over time, (politics, individuals, pressure groups)
4. Identify and locate relevant materials and information in support of research;
5. Recognise the wider context of crime and the Criminal Justice System, and its implication on society
Discipline-Specific Skills6. Demonstrate knowledge of appropriate literature (theoretical and empirical investigations);
7. Conduct independent criminological research;
Personal and Key Skills8. Argue rationally, concisely, in a logical structured way communicating information and ideas in written and oral form
9. Work independently, within a limited time frame, and without access to external sources, to complete a specified task.

Module Content

Syllabus Plan

While the module’s precise content may vary year on year, it is envisioned that some or all of the following topics will be covered within the syllabus:

• Introduction to the Criminal Justice System
• Law & Order (Historical, political)
• Philosophies of Punishment/Justice
• Policing (recording data, reactive/preventative, statistics)
• Victim (diversity and inequality, statistics)
• Offenders (diversity and inequality, statistics)
• Courts and Sentencing (diversity and inequality, statistics)
• Prisons and Penalties (diversity and inequality, statistics)
• Issues for the Criminal Justice System in England and Wales

Learning and Teaching

This table provides an overview of how your hours of study for this module are allocated:

Scheduled Learning and Teaching ActivitiesGuided independent studyPlacement / study abroad

...and this table provides a more detailed breakdown of the hours allocated to various study activities:

CategoryHours of study timeDescription
Scheduled Learning and Teaching activity 2211 x 2 hour weekly lectures
Scheduled Learning and Teaching activity 66 x 1 hour tutorials
Guided Independent study33Preparation for lectures and tutorials
Guided Independent study67Preparation for essays, library, research
Guided Independent study22Examination revision

Online Resources

This module has online resources available via ELE (the Exeter Learning Environment).