Undergraduate Module Descriptor

SOC3035: Deviance: Interdisciplinary Perspectives

This module descriptor refers to the 2021/2 academic year.

Module Content

Syllabus Plan

The module’s precise content is liable to annual variation. Nonetheless the module will cover some or all of the following themes:

  • Classical social and cultural theoretical perspectives on deviance
  • Subcultural studies in America
  • Subcultural and Post subcultural studies in Britain
  • Constructing deviants – exploring cultural representations and structures mobilized in the construction of deviant individuals, groups and behaviours
  • Embodiment – sexuality, gender, disability
  • Identity politics and the politics of deviance – deviance, inclusion and exclusion (normativity, boundary marking and making)
  • Punishment – historical account exploring normative and moral constructions, understandings and responses to deviance
  • Control and resistance – critical exploration of Foucault and ‘weak’ cultural approaches to deviance and normativity
  • Performativity, ritual and deviance – collective and ritualistic expressions of and responses to deviance
  • Risk and anomie  – normative precariousness and social disorder in late modernity

Learning and Teaching

This table provides an overview of how your hours of study for this module are allocated:

Scheduled Learning and Teaching ActivitiesGuided independent studyPlacement / study abroad

...and this table provides a more detailed breakdown of the hours allocated to various study activities:

CategoryHours of study timeDescription
Scheduled Learning and teaching Activity1111 x Weekly one-hour lectures
Scheduled Learning and Teaching Activity1111 x Weekly one-hour seminars
Scheduled Learning and teaching Activity21 x 2 hour Lecture – Exam revision session
Guided independent study36Readings for seminars and tutorials
Guided independent study10Preparation for seminar presentation
Guided Independent Study20Researching and writing the essay
Guided Independent study60Readings and revisions for exams

Online Resources

This module has online resources available via ELE (the Exeter Learning Environment).

Indicative Reading List

This reading list is indicative - i.e. it provides an idea of texts that may be useful to you on this module, but it is not considered to be a confirmed or compulsory reading list for this module.

Basic reading:

Alexander, J. (2003) ‘A Cultural Sociology of Evil’, in The Meanings of Social Life, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 109 – 120.

Anderson, T. (2015) Understanding Deviance: Connecting Classical and Contemporary Perspectives. Oxford: Routledge.

Ferrell, J. Hayward, K.  Young, J. (2015) Cultural Criminology. London: Sage.

Freilich, M, Raybeck, D. and Savishinsky, J. (1991) Deviance: Anthropological Perspectives. London:Bergin and Garvey.

Furedi, F. (2013) Moral Crusades in an Age of Mistrust: The Jimmy Saville Scandal. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Goode, E. (2015) The Handbook of Deviance. West Sussex: John Wiley and Sons.

Lyng, S. (2005) Edgework: The Sociology of Risk Taking. Oxford: Routledge.

O’Neill and Seal, L. (2012) Transgressive Imaginations: Crime, Deviance and Culture. London: Palgrave MacMillan.

Reed, I. (2007) ‘Why Salem Made Sense: Culture, Gender and the Puritan Persecution of Witchcraft’, Cultural Sociology, 1(2): 209 – 234.

Seidman, S. ‘Defilement and Disgust: Theorizing the Other’, American Journal of Cultural Sociology, 1(3): 3 – 25.

Smith, P. (2008) Punishment and Culture. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Smith, P. (2010) Incivility: The Rude Stranger in Everyday Life. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Terry, J. and Urla, J. (1995) Deviant Bodies: Critical Perspectives on Difference in Science and Popular Culture. Indiana: Indiana University Press.

Worthen, M. (2016) Sexual Deviance and Society: A Sociological Examination. London: Routledge.