Undergraduate Module Descriptor

ARA2151: Intermediate Persian II

This module descriptor refers to the 2022/3 academic year.

Module Aims

Building on your Persian learning experience to date, this module aims to develop a deeper knowledge of grammatical and syntactical structures; to develop active and passive knowledge of Persian through

A wide range of written and audio-visual materials; to strengthen your awareness of different styles and

registers; and to develop your skills in composition and translation. The module also aims to  consolidate your use of spoken Persian.

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)

This module's assessment will evaluate your achievement of the ILOs listed here – you will see reference to these ILO numbers in the details of the assessment for this module.

On successfully completing the programme you will be able to:
Module-Specific Skills1. Extract a sense and specific details of authentic written texts from various genres at CEFRL level B2.
2. Present a detailed argument written in Persian in answer to essay questions on a range of topics at CEFRL level B2.
3. Verbally communicate with competence in Persian at CEFRL level B2. Engage in an oral discussion of a range of (mainly contemporary) topics in the target language, articulating your own opinions and responding to the opinions of others.
4. Give an oral presentation in Persian on a defined topic to a small group of listeners and engage in group discussion and debate of the topic presented at CEFRL level B2, articulating your own opinions and responding to the opinions of others.
5. Translate passages from a variety of authentic written sources from various genres (including literary and journalistic) into and out of Persian.
6. Apply your growing knowledge of a broad range of grammatical features of Persian to a variety of linguistic tasks.
Discipline-Specific Skills7. Learn how to consolidate your own learning independently by using available learning aids, in a variety of media, and organise this process with guidance from course tutors.
8. Recognise and understand core linguistic terminology individually and as part of a group.
9. Use a bilingual dictionary to glean information about meaning, register, usage and grammatical forms.
10. Engage, under guidance and independently, with Persian media, printed and online.
Personal and Key Skills11. Work in groups at solving linguistic tasks at CEFRL level B2.
12. Deploy time management strategies through developing skills of self-study.
13. Exercise autonomy and judgement by enhancing your independent learning skills.
14. Deploy strategies for coping with unpractised linguistic, social and cultural situations.
15. Show an enriched appreciation of the literature and cultures of the people who speak (and spoke) Persian.