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Tennacott Farm. Photo (c) Carl Klinkenborg.

HRH The Prince of Wales attends meeting at Tennacott Farm

As part of his annual visit to the South West, His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales attended a meeting at Tennacott Farm, near Bideford.

The event included a seminar which was organised by Michael Winter and chaired by David Fursdon, Lord Lieutenant of Devon. The seminar focused on farming and natural capital, looking at opportunities for farmers, landowners and nature. The University of Exeter was represented at the seminar by Professors Michael Winter and Matt Lobley from the Centre for Rural Policy Research. Opening talks were given by Michael Winter, Matthew Morris from the Duchy of Cornwall and Harry Barton of Devon Wildlife Trust. Issues were then discussed in break-out groups and a summary of key messages from the seminar was presented to His Royal Highness, who then made a speech outlining some of his thoughts about the environment and farming.

Following the meeting, His Royal Highness visited stands set up by the North Devon Biosphere looking at projects including climate change, marine life and forestry.

Before leaving for his next engagement, His Royal Highness met with Dr Caroline Nye and Professors Matt Lobley and Michael Winter, authors of The Prince’s Countryside Fund’s Marts Report, ahead of its upcoming launch.

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